Friday, November 21, 2008

Now that I'm in my 2nd trimester...

Since I previously made a list on what I missed during my first trimester, I figure that I should now update my status (a much more positive note!) and create a top ten list of what I am LOVING about being in the second trimester. Enjoy....

I LOVE....

1. Not being reminded daily of what my own vomit tastes like. It doesn't taste good.

2. Being at the stage where I look pregnant and not just "spongey", but I'm not at that point yet where people look at my swollen frame and think, "Oh, for the love of all that is holy, stick that woman with a pin or something."

3. Schwan's chocolate and peanut butter ice cream. You could fill the Grand Canyon with it, bury me at the bottom of that chocolatey abyss, and I would eat my way out in less than twelve minutes. Take that, David Copperfield.

4. Still having an petite ankle bone....and a visibly larger calf. They are still two separate God intended....

5. Feeling the baby moving and kicking around in there! That is SOOOOOOOOO my favorite part!!!! I'm at that point where I can feel the kicks, but I'm not at the stage where they make me piss myself.

6. Being able to eat an entire Bartolli's skillet pasta dinner--meant for two--all by myself and at WORLD RECORD pace....and not feel guilty about it at all. Yep....did it yesterday....AND followed it up with some Blue Bell vanilla ice cream. That's just sheer talent no matter what you say.

(Let me just explain right now...and I'm not even kidding....that I just took a break from my blog writing to eat ice cream--simply because I've said "Ice Cream" in my blog twice so far, and I can no longer deny the urge to indulge. I'm better now...)

5. Having energy to do.....well....anything.....

4. The crazy dreams that I have when I'm pregnant. They are so entertaining. I had a dream last night that I was hanging out with Anthony Hopkins, and we invented a cream that I could rub on my stomach that would allow you to temporarily see through your skin and into your womb to check on your baby. Anthony and I were sitting at the my neighborhood park, drinking an Orange Julius and waiting on our big appointment to become bazillionaires when I woke up. He was in the process of telling me that, because he was so rich already, and because I was his BFF, that I could have his half of the money, too. That was the point that Ava started coughing through the baby monitor, and I woke up. Boo.....I was so close to getting that pool in the back yard....

3. At what other stage in your life can you say, "Honey, I think I actually was able to snarf down an extra 500 calories today" and get the response, "Way to go, babe. Good job!"???

2. My boobs are glorious.

1. I can blame any unpleasant flatulence on my unborn child and totally get away with it. It's not my fault that the kid broke my farter. Got issues with it? Talk to the fetus.

And the gender is.....

IT'S A BOY!!!!

That's right, my friends....that is a penis! Ava is getting a little brother, and we are having a son!

What cracks me up by this picture is how obviously proud of his goodies this boy is. He appears to be literally holding his feet up by his head just to make sure that we can all get an up close and personal look at how much of a boy he is. He is soooooooooo Eric's son.

And no....we haven't figured out a name yet. I have my favorites....Eric has his...... Eric is all about the hyper-masculine names. I swear, he would name his son Thor Ironballs Lawrence if he could.

Not happening.....

I'll keep you updated.