Thursday, October 23, 2008

Uh oh.... here was my pregnant belly at 20 weeks during my first pregnancy with Ava.... Got that....20 WEEKS....

And here is my belly at 13 weeks with my current pregnancy. That's right....13 weeks....almost TWO FULL MONTHS earlier than the last picture from my last pregnancy....

Yeah....that can't be good.

I may or may not fit through doorways by the end of this pregnancy.

I have this eerie feeling that I may end up rivaling that bratty girl from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory who turned into a giant blueberry. In case you never watched that movie, let me help you out a bit:

Yeah.....that may be me....minus the blue.....

And if ONE MORE PERSON asks me if I'm "sure that there is only one in there"......

1 comment:

Bobber said...

Don't sweat it sweetie. You looked fabulous when you were pregnant..