Saturday, September 13, 2008

New ultrasound pics!

Here's just a couple of pics for you to enjoy! We had our first trimester ultrascreen appointment this week (at 12 weeks and 5 days pregnant). We did find out that the chances of Down's Syndrome or a Trisomy abnormality were around 1 in 10,000, so that's good! Anyway, here's a few shots to enjoy!

Here's a side view....

And here's a shot from the front.....

I still can't believe that just four weeks ago, this baby looked like a kidney bean, and now it looks like an actual human being already. That's just NUTS.....and wonderful....

To close, I'll add a cute picture that was taken of my daughter and me at the beach while in San Diego. And yes, my 21 month old has a better tan than I do. Any wise cracks about how badly my skin needs to see a sun ray, and I WILL come out of this computer just to kick you in the throat....and then I'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones and get away with it.

Cute picture, huh? Go ahead............Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. No really, say it.....with meaning this time....

1 comment:

Mindy N. said...

I absolutely LOVE that pic of you and Ava!!!